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Pathways Education is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, in line with national guidance (KCSIE) and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child or adult, please speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads or a member of staff who will inform the Safeguarding Leads.


  • Designated Safeguarding Lead: Nazya Ghalib

  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Michael Vincent, Holly Page

  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor: Nanci Doyle


What is Safeguarding and Child Protection?

Safeguarding relates to the broader aspects of education, for example, mental well-being of pupils and staff, health and safety, medical conditions, trips, first aid, online safety, risk assessments, children’s and staff security.


Child Protection is part of safeguarding it protects children from a range of issues, including neglect & physical abuse, sexual and emotional abuse.



Safeguarding is at the heart of our culture, practice and daily conversations.  Staff have annual training in safeguarding and child protection as well as further training provided during the academic year. This keeps staff up to date and current with their training, it also enables us to discuss any aspects of safeguarding as a school regularly.


All staff members undertake safeguarding training including FGM and CSEe-safety and Prevent.


The school completes a Safeguarding Audit in order to develop an action plan to ensure the school meets all statutory guidance and adopts best practice.


If you would like to access some further training for yourself and/or your child please click to visit the Thinkuknow website; 'Thinkuknow is the education programmer from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP (Child Exploitation Online Protection) command. Thinkuknow aims to empower children and young people aged 5-17 to identify the risks they may face online and know where they can go for support.'


To read Keeping Children Safe in Education please visit the government's website here.


Further information on the Department for Education website is linked here:



The National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. We protect children from harm online and offline, directly through NCA led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies. Visit the CEOP website or report a crime here.


Operation Encompass Scheme:

Operation Encompass is a scheme run jointly between schools, Surrey Police and Surrey County Council. Operation Encompass has been designed to provide early reporting on any domestic incidents that occur outside of school and might have an impact on a child.


Operation Encompass will ensure that the Key Adult (Nazya Ghalib) or the Deputy Key Adult (Holly Page) is informed the next morning that there has been a domestic incident or if a child has been reported missing. This means that the Key Adult or the Deputy Key Adult can ensure that the child is supported whilst they are in school.


Safer Recruitment:

Nazya Ghalib, Michael Vincent, and Emma Crabb have undertaken Safer Recruitment training. We follow the procedures when recruiting any new member of staff including volunteers.


DBS Checks:

All members of staff including volunteers have DBS checks before they begin at the school.


The school has many policies which refer to Safeguarding including, Safeguarding and Child Protection, Relationship and Anti Bullying to name a few. These policies are available here and paper copies can be requested from the School Office.



We have made all parents and guardians aware of the NSPCC PANTS campaign – which is aimed at preventing abuse in children. Visit the NSPCC site here.


Need Help?

If you, or someone you know, wants to talk about anything at all, call The Helpline Hotline on their free helpline 0800 141 2055. Lines are currently open Monday to Friday 9AM – 5PM. Take as long as you want – it’s totally free.


Surrey Family Information Service:

The Surrey Family Information Service want to support all parents and carers, professionals, children and young people (aged 0-25), to help them make informed decisions about services or support they may want or need to access. To help you find services available in your local area, or online, they have created a directory of over 8000 services (including ones offered by organisations other than Surrey County Council), covering SEND, childcare, health, education, social care, leisure and help and support 13 services. If you can’t find what you are looking for online, they also have an enquiry service where you can contact the team for further help, information or advice online, over the phone or by email.


Useful Numbers:

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000 365 days a year

Surrey Police: 101

If a child is in immediate danger ring 999

National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Operation Encompass Safeguarding Statement

Our school is part of Operation Encompass with the local police force.


Operation Encompass is a national police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Violence and Abuse and which is in place in every police force in England and Wales.


Children were recognised as victims of domestic abuse in their own right in the 2021 Domestic Abuse Act.


Operation Encompass means that the police will share information with our school about all police attended Domestic Abuse incidents which involve any of our children PRIOR to the start of the next school day.


Key Adult and Safeguarding Lead Nazya Ghalib and Deputies Michael Vincent and Holly Page have attended an Operation Encompass briefing and completed the online Operation Encompass Key Adult training. They have cascaded the principles of Operation Encompass to all other school staff and Governors. All school staff have also undertaken training, and Governors can undertake training online.


Our parents are fully aware that we are an Operation Encompass school and we ensure that when a new child joins our school the parents/carers are informed about Operation Encompass.


The Operation Encompass information is stored in line with all other confidential safeguarding and child protection information.


As a staff we have discussed how we can support our children who are experiencing Domestic Violence and Abuse on a day-to-day basis and particularly following the Operation Encompass notification. We have used the Operation Encompass Handbooks to inform our thinking.


We are aware that we must do nothing that puts the child/children or the non-abusing adult at risk.


The DSL will report on Operation Encompass in the termly report to Governors as needed. All information is anonymised for these reports.


We have used the Operation Encompass Key Adult Responsibilities checklist to ensure that all appropriate actions have been taken by the school.


When DSL or DDSLs leave the school and other staff are appointed, they will ensure that all Operation Encompass log in details are shared with the new Key Adults and that the new member of staff will undertake the Operation Encompass online training.

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