Our services
We believe everyone is a leader. Pathways Development exists to enhance the capacity of leaders to transform teams, organisations, and communities.
Through consultancy, coaching, and leadership journeys, we facilitate leaders enquiry into their own purpose, and provide the tools to realise their potential and that of their team. Greater exploration of one’s self and one's team can increase synergy in culture and vision and the drive to achieve it. We believe in developing the relationships with our true self, our stakeholders, and our communities to help us thrive collectively.
Leadership coaching
Coaching allows us as leaders to invest in ourselves and, as a result, benefits our teams and organisations. Often, as non-stop workloads require us to manage a non-stop stream of data, our bodies and our minds are overloaded. Coaching in a secure space allows you to reflect on patterns you see; explicit patterns of behaviour, the connection and impact, and inquire into the patterns of feelings you experience as a result. A clearer understanding of yourself and your team’s perspective and where this derives from then allows you to set personal or collective targets, and to develop vertically while increasing the capacity of yourself, your team, and your organisation.
Education consulting
We understand our clients know their organisation better than anyone. That’s why our consulting practice centres on a listening approach. We absorb relevant data to inform the collective planning we undertake with clients. As coaches, teachers, leaders, researchers, and managers ourselves we use real-world, evidence-informed best practice which we have applied first-hand in our own schools to achieve Outstanding. Our individual strengths and collective experience underpin the services we offer and the frameworks upon which we base our analysis and planning. We’re expertly placed to serve organisations in all areas, at all stages on the journey.