Tue, 05 Jul
Leading with Energy: A Virtual Masterclass Series
From surviving to thriving! How to raise performance without burning out. This course allows you to truly understand what wellbeing is. It will help you increase your awareness and literacy of what creates and takes energy, and equip you with the tools to manage it and create more.
Dates & times
05 Jul 2022, 16:30 – 18:00
About the series
The recent guidance sent out by major influences in the field are scratching at the surface and leaving staff dis-engaged, burnt out and in fight, flight or freeze as the profession loses high quality employees and has a leadership crisis at its door step. Why? Because we have given so much and taken so little.
This six-week* virtual masterclass series will not only increase your awareness and literacy of what creates and takes energy, but also the tools to manage it and create more of it for ourselves and our teams. We seek to reignite leaders intrinsic drive and increase the capacity of what is truly possible by providing them with the maps of their physiological and psychological development.
What you'll learn
- Introduction week - Understanding how our leadership is built on energy and purpose and getting to know your own and that of your peers
- Environment - Space for you to discover your energy patterns
- Emotion - What lies underneath our actions and how we manage them
- Eating - How our nutrition informs the brain in our gut and impacts performance
- Exercise - How the habits we have can be broken
- Encompass - How do we embody our changes for greater performance and impact.
What to expect
Each session will run with a group and expert coach that is consistent for the duration of the series. Each session will consist of:
- 30-minute check in with your coaching group
- 30-minute input on topic outlined above
- 30-minute planning session with your coaching group.
This series of events includes input from expert speakers and facilitation by executive coaches to get you through to the end of term and into the future. Additional 1:1 coaching is also available, contact us to find out more.
*There will be six sessions running every Tuesday night from 4.30 – 6pm from 7th of June to the 12th of July. If you cannot make a session, fear not, it will be recorded and a link shared with you.